Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Statement #20

People complain all the time about the economic crisis, the politicians, and many many things that are completely wrong in this world, but the thing is that the time we are spending in weeping about it could been spent in something else. People, we shouldn´t forget about hard work, even if most of the time it doesn´t pay of, the future belongs to us.

As pessoas queixam-se o tempo todo da crise económica, dos políticos, e de muitas muitas coisas que estão completamente erradas neste mundo. Mas a questão é que o tempo que passamos a choramingar podia ser aproveitado noutra coisa. Pessoal, não nos devemos esquecer de trabalhar duro, mesmo que não compense a maioria das vezes, o futuro pertence-nos.


  1. Eu acredito exactamente nisso!!! :) Para ter o que quer que seja tem que ser merecido! ;)

  2. Really love this post! So inspiring and true! People really should work harder and complain less! Thanks for posting!

  3. I concur. It does nothing to sit around and wish and want for better or whine about how bad it is.
    But to act in accordance with the greater good is one of the single most courageous things any one of us could do!
    Lovely post!
    Darling Bonnie

  4. concordo contigo... gente choramingas não move montanhas :)

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  5. so inspiring...thanks for sharing!


  6. Super post! Bisous:)
    ANgela Donava


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