Monday, December 17, 2012


Ladies! If you wanna stay tunned with what happens around here on for facebook page you must add The Princess Little Box to your list of interests, just like in the picture. Other wise, thanks to the new Facebook policy, you won´t be able to see our updates at your news feed. 
It´s very easy, it only takes two clicks =)
Meninas! Se querem continuar a ficar a par das nossas novidades na página do Facebook devem adicionar The Princess Little Box a vossa lista de intereses como está na imagem. Caso contrario, graças a nova política do Facebook, não poderão ver prácticamente as nossas novidades no news feed. É muito simples, são só 2 clicks =)


  1. Linda, fiquei agora a conhecer o teu blog e adorei. Aderi à velocidade da luz ahaha.

    Beijinhos e desde já te convido a conheceres o meu -

  2. will fan you ! fan me as well I'm on facebook under Chic Fashion World
    Kisses from Miami,

  3. Yep done, chic! I've just posted up a new outfit post that I call WINTER BAR MITZVAH, it's sort of a Jewish chic meets sub zero weather haha, hope you get a few giggles out of it and do tell what you think ;)

    xx The Provoker


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